Positive Outlook
Things are never as bad as they seem to begin with ....
Self learnings
24th September 2009
Self learnings
24th September 2009
Waiting for an accident
Just a quote that made my day
"Just when Caterpillar thought the world is over..... she turned into a butterfly"
and some more ... few of them inspired me a great deal and others taught me..... to simply forget and move on
Hard work never hurt anyone, but why take the chance :)
A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book :D
There are good days and there are bad days, and this is one of them :P
Born to be wild - live to outgrow it :P
Life's more amusing than we thought :)
My mind tells me to give up but my heart won't let me :(
Where ever you go, Go with all your heart :)
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps X-(
The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to X-(
There are many more.. these are some that I could recollect in five minutes
21st September 2009
"Just when Caterpillar thought the world is over..... she turned into a butterfly"
and some more ... few of them inspired me a great deal and others taught me..... to simply forget and move on
Hard work never hurt anyone, but why take the chance :)
A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book :D
There are good days and there are bad days, and this is one of them :P
Born to be wild - live to outgrow it :P
Life's more amusing than we thought :)
My mind tells me to give up but my heart won't let me :(
Where ever you go, Go with all your heart :)
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps X-(
The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to X-(
There are many more.. these are some that I could recollect in five minutes
21st September 2009
Fragmentation in Life
(Manish started a thread about the fragmentation of a person's time and mind, the difference in behavior at work and at home ...)
My view is no different.. Fragmentation is a beautiful way to explain life .... It doesn't always have to be between work and personal life.... Fragmentation is everywhere..
A man lies to his mother .. "Sorry Ma, can't see you this week, I am busy with a meeting.." he told his mother just because, his kid wanted to watch a movie that night...
Man is torn between his mother and son.. He has to live his life in pieces..He chose the Lion's share of affection for his son today, he wants him to be happy....
Kid hears the conversation and thinks.. "May be Daddy lied to me the other day.. when he did not make it to my piano recitals because of a meeting"
Who is happy now? His affection, attention, love and care .. every thing is divided..
The Question: Can we ever give undivided interest to anyone/ anything?
(Manish started a thread about the fragmentation of a person's time and mind, the difference in behavior at work and at home ...)
My view is no different.. Fragmentation is a beautiful way to explain life .... It doesn't always have to be between work and personal life.... Fragmentation is everywhere..
A man lies to his mother .. "Sorry Ma, can't see you this week, I am busy with a meeting.." he told his mother just because, his kid wanted to watch a movie that night...
Man is torn between his mother and son.. He has to live his life in pieces..He chose the Lion's share of affection for his son today, he wants him to be happy....
Kid hears the conversation and thinks.. "May be Daddy lied to me the other day.. when he did not make it to my piano recitals because of a meeting"
Who is happy now? His affection, attention, love and care .. every thing is divided..
The Question: Can we ever give undivided interest to anyone/ anything?
20th September 2009
Happy Birthday Daddy
For all the times you are with us
For all the decisions you have taken for us
For every memory you have carved for us
We are grateful to you
Every daughter, every son look up to their father
They say this is what I will become some day
We did the same when we were young
But found a lot more in you as we grew
A friend, a confidant , a teacher to mention a few
Walking with us in the alleys dark and bright
You lead the way always towards the right
Doesn't matter if we are weak or might
You always say we should put up a fight
We wish you a Birthday filled with Love
Happiest memories yet many more to come
We sent out prayers to all the heavens above
Millions of stars be sent out today
To turn into true anything you say
Happy Birthday Daddy
Many Many Happy Returns of the Day
You mean the world to us
Chinnu, Bujji
16th September 2009
For all the decisions you have taken for us
For every memory you have carved for us
We are grateful to you
Every daughter, every son look up to their father
They say this is what I will become some day
We did the same when we were young
But found a lot more in you as we grew
A friend, a confidant , a teacher to mention a few
Walking with us in the alleys dark and bright
You lead the way always towards the right
Doesn't matter if we are weak or might
You always say we should put up a fight
We wish you a Birthday filled with Love
Happiest memories yet many more to come
We sent out prayers to all the heavens above
Millions of stars be sent out today
To turn into true anything you say
Happy Birthday Daddy
Many Many Happy Returns of the Day
You mean the world to us
Chinnu, Bujji
16th September 2009
Calling Bell
Anu who was placed on hold by her mom shrugged and said...."What is more important? International Call or Local call?"
I am sure all my friends talking to India have had this experience at least once....I sighed deeply and said "Calling Bell"
Here's why:
My mom keeps me on hold... while I am on a international call... in order to talk to someone on the local line....
The icing on the cake though is after she is done with that call....(I was on hold for at least ten minutes by the way)..... she comes to the phone and says "Sweet heart I need to hang up your call, Someone is ringing the 'door bell' ( 'calling bell' as we call it in India....) Love you Honey!! "
15th September 2009
A very Sweet (read sugar) nick name from a very dear friend...
I happened to call him 'Mr.' X in a certain conversation and he addressed as 'Miss.' Sri and from there came the name 'Mishri'
Mishri is 'Hindi' for Sugar-Candy or Rock Sugar :)
I am thinking I should use 'Mishri' as a pen name for my blog
14th September 2009
I happened to call him 'Mr.' X in a certain conversation and he addressed as 'Miss.' Sri and from there came the name 'Mishri'

I am thinking I should use 'Mishri' as a pen name for my blog
14th September 2009
Shirk off Divinity
Heard real beautiful thoughts on divinity from someone today.. Did not want to lose the string of pearls.... So I am documenting them here...
God Says:
I am Divine, I realized it...
You are divine too, You haven't realized it ...
Realizing we are divine would involve to a large extent shedding ego and assuming responsibility to the results of our actions. Can't do either, can we? It is always easy when someone else takes (at least we assume so) decisions for us and they can be conveniently blamed for our shortcomings and also for the consequences of our actions.
Thus the easiest way out is to 'Shirk off Divinity' that is well within you and blame HIM.
He will take it because He has patience but remember that He will not leave you till you learn the lessons even if it means teaching them the hard way.
Sri Seshabhattar
14th September 2009
God Says:
I am Divine, I realized it...
You are divine too, You haven't realized it ...
Realizing we are divine would involve to a large extent shedding ego and assuming responsibility to the results of our actions. Can't do either, can we? It is always easy when someone else takes (at least we assume so) decisions for us and they can be conveniently blamed for our shortcomings and also for the consequences of our actions.
Thus the easiest way out is to 'Shirk off Divinity' that is well within you and blame HIM.
He will take it because He has patience but remember that He will not leave you till you learn the lessons even if it means teaching them the hard way.
Sri Seshabhattar
14th September 2009
Just a 'Self-Reminder'
If we are experiencing a dull moment, How do we overcome it?

- Bear with fortitude both loss and grief.
- Try and search for plans to achieve joy and gain.
- When you are invaded by anger, practice silence or remember the Name of the Lord. Do not remind yourself of things which will inflame the anger more; that will do incalculable harm.
- For faults and sins committed in ignorance, repent sincerely.
- Try not to repeat the faults and sins again.
- Pray to God to bless you with the strength and the courage needed to stick to the right path.
- From this moment, avoid all bad habits. Do not delay or postpone. They do not contribute to the slightest joy.
- Sandeha Nivarini
Just for Sri
Sri Seshabhattar
14th September 2009
Sri Seshabhattar
14th September 2009
Enjoy the most !!!
Cooking it is!!! I love to cook, it is my passion and it is the thing that I enjoy the most!!!
Sri Seshabhattar
13th September 2009
Cutest Compliment Ever!!
I had to work most part of the long weekend (labor day). But at the end it had its pay off. One of my very close friends came to Raleigh and visited me. She has this very sweetest kid on the planet, Suraj(6). He is in the first grade and all.
We went to the tour of NC Museum of Natural Science. Suraj was really excited.One thing that he did not like though was being photographed. Poor guy was fed up. He remembered names of all the states they drove through all the way from NJ and throughout the trip he was asked to stand, pose and smile. He did pose for my camera and said that he will let me take a picture but it has to be his natural pose :-p
When we were at the section with birds and animals, I pointed to a small bird and told him "it is an Owl". He goes around points to a big yellow-eyed Owl and asked me if it is the "Mamma Owl" :) It indeed was. I said "Suraj look at her eyes, Owls have extremely large eyes in proportion to the size of their heads. They have big wide eyes and an ability to see in the dark" click to enlarge
Suraj looked at me with a big smile and said "You have much bigger and wider eyes than that Owl" :)
Awwww.... that was the cutest thing anyone had ever said to me... there was my payoff :) (Assuming of course that Suraj did not mean ... I should be put in the museum instead of the bird)
Unless the music teacher who kicked me out of her class in 3rd grade comes back and admits that I am a good singer, I am going to mark this as the best compliment I have ever received!!
Unless the music teacher who kicked me out of her class in 3rd grade comes back and admits that I am a good singer, I am going to mark this as the best compliment I have ever received!!
Sri Seshabhattar
13th September 2009
(Owl photo credits: Bill Frymire)
It's all in the mind!!
I wonder why I cannot drink water from any other faucet at home except the kitchen!!! Not even when I am parched!!!
Sri Seshabhattar
Sri Seshabhattar
PLEH.... Expecting 'HELP' in return
Have you read 'Filboid Studge' by Saki?
We are Generation G, we have the google power. I have gotten used to using google for practically everything (so has everybody). Search any word and usually results begin with a link to the definition of the word in webster’s or meaning of the word from dictionary. Since google is of such great ‘help’ I googled the word ‘help’. Yeah, yeah... I am getting there, I am not totally jobless to sit and google the words and their meanings.
We are Generation G, we have the google power. I have gotten used to using google for practically everything (so has everybody). Search any word and usually results begin with a link to the definition of the word in webster’s or meaning of the word from dictionary. Since google is of such great ‘help’ I googled the word ‘help’. Yeah, yeah... I am getting there, I am not totally jobless to sit and google the words and their meanings.

There is this young, happy, extremely friendly couple in my neighborhood. Both the husband and wife go out of the way to help others. They offer to help you if you are stranded in a bus stop, if you have no money or don’t want to spend money for the cab but need to rush to the airport, if you have to get your nails done, call them, they are there! I often wondered if they expected anything in return for the favors they shower.
I spotted them in the parking lot of a departmental store and rushed toward them to wish them. As I came nearer to greet them I saw that their car had a flat tire, it was burst open. They were reluctant to call people for help. Wife said “Should we call .Ganesh.. umm.. No …he would still be at the office”.. then he said “ May be Aman, Naah… he has a baby boy, let him spend time with the kid” . They kept debating on whom not to call!! Amazing, I have not once thought like this!!
Coming back to the incident, the debate went on. They had done a lot of shopping and the stuff was not getting any lighter. Finally, they decide to call this person who (by the way has taken the maximum advantage of their car) would probably be free. Getting stuck with a broken car did not seem to him as important as his colleague’s farewell party. So they call this girl whom they helped when she first moved in, She said “I am sorry, I am at work”. One person finally did agree to pick them up (Thank God!) They had to wait a good one hour before he picked them up. Not that they could not afford a cab or anything, but the couple were really generous to all these folks. They helped them buy cars of their own. I don't see why it is so difficult to return a favor.
I biked back home. I couldn’t stay there for long. I felt really heavy in my heart. I don’t know if ‘they’ felt the same way when nobody is ready to help them in return. I don’t have a car to help them. I can’t say I would be at their peck and call but would have not left them that way.
I really got mad at them ‘non-helpers’. They have abused the couple for so long. They should have been more considerate. Do you see it the same way or is it just me?
That evening left me thinking: “Can we expect anything in return of our good deeds and help to others?” More importantly, “Should we?” At that instant I remembered Filboid Studge. I guess expecting 'HELP' in return is just as meaningless as the word 'PLEH'
Wonders!!That evening left me thinking: “Can we expect anything in return of our good deeds and help to others?” More importantly, “Should we?” At that instant I remembered Filboid Studge. I guess expecting 'HELP' in return is just as meaningless as the word 'PLEH'
Sri Seshabhattar
5th September 2009
Doodly Doodlee Dooo...
I was bored to death in a class today... result ...another doodle (read Mehndi Design) .. not bad...
these classes bring out a creative side of my brain :)
Sri Seshabhattar
3rd September 2009
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